Sweet Revenge public release v 0.09 is live!

-Change Log-

- 2480+ Lines of code

- 957+ Rendered pictures

- 1 Character has been slighlty improved(visually): Amelia

- 10 New characters.

- New musics and sound effects

- Introduction of hidden choices!*

*From now on, we will use hidden choices along the way. When the time comes for you to make your choice for certain events, you might only see one option or fewer options(f.e. the situation might have 3 choices but you might not see one of the choices) if you are not meeting the requirements of the certain things.

-Soft Spoiler-Like having enough points with a certain character or having chosen the "love interest on" option at the earlier stages of the game with characters.

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Sweet Revenge 0.09 Pc-Linux
22 days ago
Sweet Revenge 0.09 Mac
22 days ago

Get Sweet Revenge (v. 0.09)

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